August Compassion Offering: United Church of Christ Outdoor Ministry

Many at Orchard Ridge have experienced community and spiritual renewal at Moon Beach over the years. So many of us have warm memories from across the seasons: 

  • From the summertime: With multigenerational family camps, autism family camps, memory family camps, and rainbow family camps. 
  • From the fall: With retreats offering educational enrichment and an opportunity to create art in community with others. 
  • And from the winter: With a getaway to the peace and beauty of a north woods epiphany retreat

Along with Moon Beach, Daycholah Center on the shores of Green Lake, and Cedar Valley located on over 100 beautiful acres near West Bend, comprise our United Church of Christ outdoor ministry here in Wisconsin. And here at Orchard Ridge, we have a strong tradition of supporting outdoor ministry, as both participants and as volunteers in programming offered by UCC Camps. 

Now, we are asking those of us who know and love our outdoor ministry to give financially, too. With our support, we can ensure a sustainable future for Moon Beach, Daycholah Center, and Cedar Valley. And preserve these special places as sources of renewal for generations to come. 

Thank you for giving generously and giving what you can to benefit United Church of Christ Outdoor Ministry as our August Compassion Offering recipient. This video shares more info.